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I'm not a professional speaker by any means. I am more of a professional talker who's willing to be transparent and vulnerable about my journey in life and my experience as a prior military spouse. I believe great things can be done by sharing raw life lessons, motherhood, and womanhood. I have a down-to-earth speaking style that makes women at home but still causes them to wrestle with where they are at in their life journey. 

My life has been anything but easy from childhood, womanhood, adulthood, and motherhood. I have lived through circumstances that would shock most of you, make some cry, and possibly make you laugh, and in the midst of it, all (and after many years of wrestling and personal growth) I have found that I am not alone in this and others want to know how to or how did one find wholeness.

I hope that throughout my time writing & speaking, each heart can allow the words to sink in to help provide comfort and change.

I would love nothing more than to speak about:

  • Wholehearted Living

  • Military Advocacy + Policy Work

  • Sexual Assualt on Military Children

  • Battling trauma, fear, and anxiety

  • Creative entrepreneurship, social media & digital marketing, and women in business.

Please fill out the to the right to request Jusika for your speaking or writing engagement, or for more information regarding speaking requests, please fill out the form.